Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kale Crisps...OH MY GOODNESS!!!

I recently was able to purchase a dehydrator(excited!) so yesterday, I decided to take it on it's maiden voyage...KALE CRISPS!!!! I must say I am over-the-top-in-luv with kale chips! They were easy-peasy to prep and the end product tastes fabulous -so crispy and delicious and to top it off - the nutrition kale packs is unmatched! Needless to say - I'm hooked and kale is in season right now -less than $1 a bunch...healthy and affordable! WHOOHOO!

Here are a couple of good jumpin' off recipes but, as with the smoothies -the sky is the limit!

Tangy Kale Crisps
From Kristi Kitchen


1 bunch kale (organic is absolute best)
1/2 c. raw organic apple cider vinegar
2 tsp. organic herbamare seasoning
1 tbsp. raw organic honey
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil


-Wash and dry kale
-Separate kale leaves from the spin in big pieces
-Combine vinegar, honey, seasoning and oil in a separate bowl
-Pour over kale pieces and gently massage into the kale for several minutes
-Place coated pieces into dehydrator
-Close up the dehydrator
-Set temperature to 105 degrees and let it run for 6-8 hours (length of dehydrating depends on humidity levels in your area- mine were crisp and ready in 6 1/2 hours)

You will have marinade left over -it makes a fabulous salad dressing!

Sweet & Spicy Kale Chips
From Kristi's Kitchen


1 bunch kale (organic is best if you can find it - growing it yourself would be highly recommended)
1 1/2 tbsp. coconut oil
2 tbsp. coconut butter
3 tbsp. coconut nectar
1 1/2 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. chili powder


-Wash and dry kale
-Separate kale leaves from the spin in big pieces
-Combine oil, butter, nectar and spices in a separate bowl
-Pour over kale pieces and gently massage into the kale
-Place coated pieces into dehydrator
-Close up the dehydrator
-Set temperature to 105 degrees and let it run for 6-8 hours (length of dehydrating depends on humidity levels in your area- mine were crisp and ready in 6 1/2 hours)

You won't ever go back -they are so good!

Happy dehydrating!

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